Q&A Panel Discussion - Northeast Mississippi Community College
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Join the Gospel Reign hosts for a special episode on location at the Northeast Mississippi Community College as they meet with BSU students who have a number of questions about the Bible and the Christian faith. Matt is joined by a special guest co-host, Thomas Magers II, as they tackle issues such as evolution, marriage, […]
Mormonism: Is Mormonism a cult and do Mormons worship the same God as those in traditional Christianity?
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Join Matt and Micah as they uncover some of the basic teachings of the Mormon faith. They answer the question that people often ask, “Is Mormonism a Christian faith or a cult?” They also expose their view of Jesus and his identity and work. This is a helpful discussion that will inform your understanding of […]
What happens when a person dies? What does the Bible say about death and can we face it with security? Matt and Micah give some helpful insight into a subject that many misunderstand or choose to avoid. Listen in as they discuss the reality of death and some specific biblical truths about what happens on the […]
20 Feb