Tagged: Evangelism

27 Feb


Tribute to Billy Graham


Gospel Reign
Tribute to Billy Graham

Matt and Micah are joined by special guest Adam Greenway, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Dr. Greenway gives helpful insights into the life and ministry and legacy of Dr. Billy Graham.  

08 Aug


5 Issues Facing the Contemporary Church


Gospel Reign
5 Issues Facing the Contemporary Church

Matt and Micah are joined by special guest Mark Marshall to discuss a number of important issues that are facing the church today.   Mark is a seasoned pastor and denominational leader who gives insight into the present trajectory of the church and how the church needs to move forward.

23 May


Evangelism: Is the Christian responsible to share the Gospel with others?


Gospel Reign
Evangelism: Is the Christian responsible to share the Gospel with others?

Matt and Micah are joined by special guest, Dr. Adam Greenway (Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY) as they share some helpful conversation on the topic of evangelism. Dr. Greenway provides great insight into the responsibility of each Christian to share the good […]

07 Feb


Salvation of Young Children: My child is asking questions about salvation, so what do I do?


Gospel Reign
Salvation of Young Children: My child is asking questions about salvation, so what do I do?

Many parents have felt their pulse and their minds race when one of their children has asked questions about salvation.  They don’t want to give the wrong answers, and they certainly don’t want to push them the wrong way.  How does a responsible parent respond to a child asking questions and indicating a desire to be saved?  Matt […]