Tagged: salvation

18 Feb


Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 8


Gospel Reign
Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 8

Join Micah and Matt in the final discussion of Article 4 on the subject of salvation in the Baptist Faith and Message. What is sanctification? What is glorification?

11 Feb


Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 7


Gospel Reign
Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 7

Micah and Matt continue their discussion on Article 4 in the Baptist Faith and Message on the subject of salvation. What is Regeneration? What is Justification? What do these things mean, and how are they appropriated by a believer in Jesus Christ?

04 Feb


Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 6


Gospel Reign
Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 6

Join Matt and Micah in this insightful discussion on the introduction to the article on salvation in the Baptist Faith and Message.

31 Dec


Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 5


Gospel Reign
Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 5

In this episode Micah and Matt discuss what Southern Baptists believe about humankind: Who are we and how do we experience God’s salvation?

27 Feb


Tribute to Billy Graham


Gospel Reign
Tribute to Billy Graham

Matt and Micah are joined by special guest Adam Greenway, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Dr. Greenway gives helpful insights into the life and ministry and legacy of Dr. Billy Graham.  

20 Feb


Q&A Panel Discussion – Northeast Mississippi Community College


Gospel Reign
Q&A Panel Discussion - Northeast Mississippi Community College

Join the Gospel Reign hosts for a special episode on location at the Northeast Mississippi Community College as they meet with BSU students who have a number of questions about the Bible and the Christian faith.  Matt is joined by a special guest co-host, Thomas Magers II, as they tackle issues such as evolution, marriage, […]

11 Oct


Jehovah’s Witnesses


Gospel Reign
Jehovah's Witnesses

Matt and Micah center their conversation on the faith and practice of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Listen in on the discussion to find out what they believe about the Bible, God, Jesus and salvation.  Do they worship the same God as those who are evangelical Christians?  Do they believe Jesus is divine?

27 Jun


Most Listened Episode! Assurance of Salvation


Gospel Reign
Most Listened Episode! Assurance of Salvation

Since the beginning of the Gospel Reign podcast, there is one episode that has been listened to and shared more than any other.  Join Matt and Micah as they discuss the issue of the assurance of salvation.  Have our hosts ever struggled with assurance?  Listen in and share with others.

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14 Mar


The Trinity: Is it important for Christians to understand the doctrine of the Trinity?


Gospel Reign
The Trinity: Is it important for Christians to understand the doctrine of the Trinity?

The concept of the Trinity has been debated for 1,800 years, and many Christians avoid the topic because it can be theologically intimidating.  On this episode of the podcast, Micah and Matt discuss some elementary principles of the Trinity and some practical applications of the doctrine to the Christian life.

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10 Jan


Assurance of Salvation: Am I really saved if I don’t feel saved?


Gospel Reign
Assurance of Salvation: Am I really saved if I don't feel saved?

Join Micah and Matt as they discuss the issue of the assurance of salvation. Many have experienced doubt associated with their own abilities and feelings. The Gospel gives us confidence that salvation finds real assurance only in Jesus Christ.

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