Baptist Faith & Message Pt. 8

Join Micah and Matt in the final discussion of Article 4 on the subject of salvation in the Baptist Faith and Message. What is sanctification? What is glorification?
by Matt Brown
Join Micah and Matt in the final discussion of Article 4 on the subject of salvation in the Baptist Faith and Message. What is sanctification? What is glorification?
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Tags: Baptist Faith and Message, Gospel, salvation
11 Feb
by Matt Brown
Micah and Matt continue their discussion on Article 4 in the Baptist Faith and Message on the subject of salvation. What is Regeneration? What is Justification? What do these things mean, and how are they appropriated by a believer in Jesus Christ?
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Tags: Baptist Faith and Message, Gospel, justification, salvation
04 Feb
by Matt Brown
Join Matt and Micah in this insightful discussion on the introduction to the article on salvation in the Baptist Faith and Message.
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Tags: Baptist Faith and Message, faith, salvation
31 Dec
by Matt Brown
In this episode Micah and Matt discuss what Southern Baptists believe about humankind: Who are we and how do we experience God’s salvation?
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Tags: baptist, Baptist Faith and Message, Humankind, salvation, southern baptist
17 Dec
by Matt Brown
Micah and Matt share some helpful discussion on two of the three articles related to the study of God in the Baptist Faith and Message. Listen in on this discussion of the person and work of the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit.
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Tags: Baptist Faith and Message, God, Holy Spirit
10 Dec
by Matt Brown
How does the Bible describe God? What do Southern Baptists believe and teach about God? Join Matt and Micah as they discuss the second article of the Baptist Faith and Message.
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Tags: baptist, Baptist Faith and Message, Bible, confession, confession of faith, Father, God
03 Dec
by Matt Brown
What do Southern Baptists believe about the Bible? Matt and Micah continue with the series on the Baptist Faith and Message with some insightful discussion on the article on the Scriptures.
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Tags: baptist, Baptist Faith and Message, Bible, confession, confession of faith, Scripture
26 Nov
by Matt Brown
Matt and Micah begin a new series discussing the Baptist Faith & Message. The BF&M is the confessional document of the Southern Baptist Convention of churches which serves to unify those who cooperate together within the denomination. In this introductory episode, Matt and Micah discuss some of the background of the formation of the document. […]
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Tags: baptist, Baptist Faith and Message, confession, confession of faith, Southern Baptist Convention
12 Mar
by Matt Brown
King Solomon had tried it all and concluded that life lived on earth is meaningless unless it is lived with gratitude to God. Matt and Micah give an insightful introduction to the book of Ecclesiastes.
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04 Mar
by Matt Brown
Join Matt and Micah as they discuss one of the often misunderstood concepts in the Bible, the importance of the firstborn. Micah offers helpful insight into how this topic shines light on the person of Jesus and why he is called the “Firstborn from the dead.”
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18 Feb